Insider’s View of a Landscaping Job | Zach’s Story

Interview with Zach Lohman, employee at Pondering Gardens Landscaping right here in River Falls, WI.
How long have you worked for Pondering Gardens
Since the beginning of June 2016
What’s your specialty at Pondering Gardens?
I get to do a little bit of everything but my specialty is doing the sod on the boulevard (this is the section between the road and the sidewalk). This job requires a lot of cutting and maneuvering.
What’s your favorite part of the job?
I really enjoy getting to be outside so often, being able to work with great people; all while getting a good sweat going!
What’s the most challenging part of your job?
It’s a very physical job which is both a good thing and a challenge at times!
What’s a favorite project you like to work on?
Laying sod is one of my favorite projects. It’s rewarding to see the finished product with the clean lines and green everywhere. It’s easy to take pride in your work when you see the completed project.